The Farm > The highlights of the farm

The highlights of the farm in free access all summer long



  • Goat milking around 3 p.m.
  • Mechanized milking of cows around 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
  • Give bottles to goats and small calves around 4 p.m.
  • Feed the barnyard animals around 11 a.m.



A little reminder of the rules of life when you are at the Chez Pépé Nicolas farm.
The word to our animals:

- I am independent. I find my food on my own, thank you!
- And I don't eat bread (I'm on a gluten-free diet).
- I like when the water in my pond and upstream stream is calm and clean. Please don't throw anything in.
- Be careful with your children, because I can surprise if I am disturbed.
- And don't forget to keep your pets on a leash.
- In the vegetable garden, please touch with eyes and nose. Please stay on the path.
- Throw your cigarette butt in the ashtrays, otherwise I risk eating them.
- Silence is essential to appreciate the tranquility of the place.

We also organize guided tours, by reservation. More info here: